Friday, July 25, 2008

Look here brothers and fellow Hillary worshipers, dude.

I don't understand why all the people in the whole fucking world love Onigga, that damn Uncle Tomboma, jack. Hillary was chosen by Science, brother, to lead the world through the conservative wilderness into the promised land of secular bliss, dude.

I must admit, the Colored talks a good talk, dude. If I close my eyes, he says all the right things that feed my liberal soul, brother. However, when I open my eyes, dude, all I see is some ignorant black, and on top of that dude, his ancestors weren't even slaves, they were damn African tribesman, dude. So fuck him and all you so-called liberals who voted for this blue-gummed bastard. And fuck this guy too.

I remember he was a former member of Curtis's church, dude. Now this buffoon is wearing an Uncle Tombama shirt and praying to that antichrist! What an ungreatful colored!!! SCIENCE-DAMN HIM!!!