Thursday, July 26, 2007

My victory

Tonight, I finally defeated the diabolical conservative Ass Butte. We had a house show at C.U.N.T., brother. Unfortunately, the coward would not put his title on the line, but I did put my UN/ACLU title up for grabs, brothers. Well, this was a First Blood Match, and I scored the win when my minion, The Turd, brought hell down on Butte's head with a steel chair, dudes. Butte's forehead split open like the Red Sea, brother. I had earlier been busted open, but thanks to The Turd and his handy bottle of Vaseline, we were able to conceal it like voter irregularities in Philly, dude. If Butte had been man enough to put his belt on the line I would now be World Heavyweight Champion, brothers. Alas, it was not to be, but I will get my date with destiny before too long, brother and whatcha gonna do when these Libotine powered arms run wild all over you, dude?!!?!?

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