Monday, February 4, 2008

Wild Trip, dude

Yo dudes.... man after Libapalooza, Judge Jennings got my ass out of jail dude. We both went to Curtis's brothel, brother, and took some crazy drugs. Man these drugs were awesome.

After I took these drugs, I started having a nightmare, I started seeing visions of Uncle Tombama beating my beloved Hillary's ass in the polls. Then I saw the Republicans loose their minds dude. They were voting for McCain over Romney. I can't believe it. McCain is more liberal than Hillary. So my nightmare soon eased into tranquility. If Obama wins, then McCain will destroy him in a general election. There is no way a black could win in a general election in America, jack!!

Then my tranquility turned into the most humiliating and excrutiating of horrors brother, when my team, the Liberals of Boston, brother lost the Super Bowl dude. They were supposed to go all the way man. And then I dreamed that I had sex with Hillary Clinton behind a dumpster at the Super Bowl dude.

Then just today, I read the newspapers and realized I wasn't tripping, all this shit happened dude. Tombama was beating Hillary, McCain was going to win the nomination, and my team the Boston Libs were raped (but robbed) by the New Jersey Libs. Then I realized that my rendevous with Hillary wasn't a dream--it really happened. Though I always wanted to give Hillary my little lib, I still felt the overwhelming urge to take the longest shower of my life, brother. Man if she is elected, all of America will need to shower after she leaves office, dude!!

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