Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Personal Letter from My Man Hillary, Dude!

My man Hillary sent me the following letter on facebook, brother:

An Incredible Feeling

From Hillary Clinton
1:02am Wednesday, Mar 5

It's a pretty incredible feeling, isn't it? After our victories tonight we have the momentum, thanks to your will, determination, and hard work. Some people were ready to count us out (just like they do me, dude). But you and I proved them wrong, just as we have every time they tried to declare this race over prematurely. And we're going to keep showing them exactly what we can do. We're going to do it for everyone across America who's been counted out -- but refused to be knocked out. For everyone who's stumbled -- but stood right back up. And for everyone who works hard -- but never gives up. I hope you enjoy our victories tonight as much as I am. We won this one together, and that makes it that much better. Thank you so very much for all you have done for our campaign. Let's build on this remarkable momentum. Each and every one of you can make a statement tonight by going to Thank you so much for everything you did to make this night possible.

All the best,

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