Monday, August 6, 2007

It's over, brother!

Just like I'm going to do to Ass Butte, Hillary is doing it to Obama. Stick a fork in Uncle Tobama, he's done. Hillary will be coronated on 1-20-09, dudes.

Latest USAToday/Gallup Poll gives Clinton 22-point lead over Obama

"New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has significantly widened her lead over Illinois Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination," USA TODAY Washington bureau chief Susan Page writes.

She tells us that according to the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, Clinton's support among Democrats and independent voters who "lean" Democratic stands at 48%. -- up eight percentage points from three weeks ago.

Obama's support: 26%, down two points. In third: Former North Carolina senator John Edwards, at 12%.

It's probably not surprising that strategists for the two top Democrats have sharply different takes on the news.

"People are seeing her as the one ready to be president," Mark Penn, Clinton's chief strategist, told Susan. Bill Burton, Obama’s spokesman, dismissed the findings. "National polls may go up and down before people actually start voting, but their irrelevance will not," he said.

Susan, in a story that will be posted later this evening at, will also report that on the Republican side, "the race was stable: Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani at 33%, former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson at 21%, Arizona Sen. John McCain at 16% and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney at 8%.

The survey was taken Friday through Sunday. It has a margin of error of +/- 5 percentage points for the responses on the Democratic and Republican races.

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